The accused Anushanthi and Nino Mathew, who were working as an employees in Trivandrum Technopark will be judged, for the conspiracy and for the murder of Anushanthi's daughter and mother in law, on Monday. This cruel murder happened two years before. The prosecution has requested to prosecute the accused till death. The four year old daughter, Swasthika and mother in law Omana were brutely murdered and there was an attempt for murdering Lijesh, father of swasthika. Lijesh got injured very badly on the incident, but was escaped.
On 15th April, Attingal Municipal Chairman M. Pradeep protested against the day and night power failure in Attingal, by lying in the Electricity Office Section Office, Attingal, from 9pm to 12.00. He succeeded in the attempt and the power supply was connected to all the areas in the town at the same night itself.
The MLA B. Sathyan forwarded a complaint against the power failure in the area, to the minister Aryadan Mohammed and the Electricity Board Chief Engineer. The power failure is caused due to the replacement of electrical lines to the arial cables. These works are in progress and thus power failure is been faced by the people for about a month. The distribution of drinking water is also stopped. He has requested an immediate action for the matter as the people are extremely suffering in this hot season.
Principle Section Judge V. Shersan proclaimed the punishment for the very brutle murden held in Attingal 2 years back. The culprits Anushanthi got double life long imprisonment and Nino got the Capital Punishment for the cruel murder. Both are also imposed the fine of 50 lakhs each.